Client Anxiety Questionnaire

Auto Accident Anxiety

Client Anxiety Questionnaire

Mental Pain and Trauma Centers announces a valuable tool for you to provide your clients to measure their need to receive psychological counseling under a Letter of Protection (LOP).  We are providing you tools to ensure that your clients have easy access to our services.  In turn, we suggest that you print this Client Anxiety Questionnaire and include it with each Intake Packet you ask your clients to fill outIf a client scores 21 points or higher, it is recommended that you refer him or her to our clinic for evaluation under a Letter of Protection (LOP). Update:  Here is the Spanish version of the Anxiety Questionnaire.

Anxiety Questionnaire

This Form is a Tool For To Screen for Anxiety

Telemedicine – Telecounseling

During this era of Coronavirus in which freedom of movement has been severely limited, our Telecounseling solution provided by allows your clients to access much-needed relief for their mental anguish as the result of an accident.

Utilizing ensures that our patients can access needed therapy from virtually anywhere on earth where there is an internet or mobile-network connection. These trying times caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have caused dramatic disruptions in our daily lives and mobility. Consequently, Telecounseling provided by our Practice is rapidly becoming the preferred and necessary first choice for needed psychological counseling services.

Founder and CEO, Dr. Jeremy Cassius, PhD

Mental Pain and Trauma Centers is the place where you can receive the help that you need for mental anguish, pain and trauma following an injury related as the result of an accident. A graduate of the Forensic Psychology PhD program at Walden University, Dr. Jeremy Cassius has a wealth of experience diagnosing and treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety and Depression. Consequently, Dr. Cassius saw that there was a need for mental professionals to work under a letter of protection (LOP) to help the clients of Personal Injury attorneys. “I saw many people affected by severe trauma and head injuries…they need our help.” As a result, Dr. Cassius founded the MPT Center to realize the unmet need of clients who suffer trauma from a life threatening event.

We’re Here To Help You

If you or someone you know is suffering from mental and/or emotional trauma as the result of an accident, you have found a destination that can help. Additionally, please feel free to contact us anytime and you will receive a rapid response. Above all, our trained professionals will quickly assess your situation and your needs and begin working with you to get you the help you need to work through difficult mental and emotional stress and anguish.

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