Tag Archive for: Mental Pain

Unusual Circumstances

Under normal circumstances, personal Injury clients are highly likely to suffer anxiety and other mental trauma symptoms as a result of the shock and turmoil surrounding an automobile or workplace accident.  As a result, in the midst of the current global pandemic, anxiety, anxiety and The Covid 19 Coronavirus have conspired with existing stressors to compound the plight of accident victims who may be pursuing damages through Personal Injury Attorneys.

Remedy:  Telehealth Solution

That’s where Mental Pain and Trauma Centers comes in.  The HIPAA compliant telehealth solution Doxy.me has made it easy, simple and secure for your clients to remotely access counseling services with Mental Pain and Trauma Centers.  During this time of increased stress and uncertainty, anxiety and anguish, Mental Pain and Trauma Centers and doxy.me makes remote counseling easy and secure through clients’ mobile phones, tablet PC’s and Ipads, laptops and PC’s.

Mental Pain and Trauma Has Employed Telehealth For Years

Mental Pain and Trauma Centers has been offering telehealth services through Doxy.me for several years, well before Anxiety, Mental Anguish and The Covid 19 Coronavirus came upon us.  In fact, we even have a questionnaire that you can place in your clients’ intake packets to help determine during the intake process if they should schedule an initial evaluation with our practice under a Letter of Protection (LOP).  This is largely due to the fact that many of our clients have major difficulties operating a motor vehicle due to the stress surrounding engaging in the very actions that led to their anxiety, and also because many clients’ primary transportation was totaled in the accident they suffered.

We Are Your Trusted Partner

In our experience, most clients experience similarly positive outcomes via telehealth therapy as in-person visits.  We are confident this is due in part to the clinicians at Mental Pain and Trauma Centers being experienced and confident utilizing this platform to counsel clients.  Mental Pain and Trauma Centers is uniquely positioned to help your clients with their anxiety and mental anguish as a result of their accidents.

Here is a resource for your teams to use as you encounter clients who may be showing signs or symptoms of mental trauma or PTSD.  Authored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.), The PTSD Checklist (PCL-5) is a 20 question PTSD questionnaire that can serve as a trusted guide to use in determining when a client should be recommended for evaluation by a mental health professional.

PTSD Questionnaire

PTSD Questionnaire Image

The PTSD questionnaire uses a number scale from 1 to 5 per question.  Any total score over 33, according the VA, would be cause for referral to a mental health professional.  For our purposes, a score of 20 or above is cause for concern.  A patient can suffer from significant mental anguish who doesn’t have a classic PTSD diagnosis.

Our team of mental health professionals here at Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers use this brief PTSD questionnaire as patients come into our offices to get an initial idea of the level of anguish each patient is experiencing.  Additional testing is administered as warranted.  At Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers, each patient is given individualized treatment for their trauma based on the assessments administered to help them recover from their emotional trauma.  We look forward to helping your clients.

In this post we hear a patient of Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers talk about her trauma experience and about the positive experience she had from coming in for an initial assessment and for ongoing counseling at Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers.


At Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers, your clients receive the help they need for mental anguish, pain, and trauma following an injury related to an accident.  Our expert clinicians are trained to meet their needs. Our clinicians can work as retained service providers or work under a Letter of Protection.

Today, most settlements are driven by expert review and opinion. Whether your case is pre-trial or headed to court, the clinicians at Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers provide professional representation when evaluating or acting as an expert witness with testimony.  We have decades of collective experience in Personal Injury cases where mental trauma is a factor to guide clients and attorneys.

Services can include:

  • Objective Case Analysis & Independent Exams
  • Diagnostic Interviewing
  • Psychological Testing
  • Anxiety Reduction for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Narratives reports, consults, & expert depositions
  • Coding, Billing & Clinical Doc Review & Gap Analysis

According to Psychology Today, fear and anxiety are perhaps the most common reactions to a traumatic experience followed by anger, sadness and guilt.  Clients should ideally be questioned by case managers regarding their emotional state upon intake. 

If a client is exhibiting signs of emotional symptoms of an unusual nature, they can then be referred to Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers where they can be clinically assessed for mental trauma and have a treatment plan developed if warranted.  Although every case is unique and each client’s experience will be their own, the team at Dallas Mental Pain and Trauma Centers will always give each patient the personal care and attention they need to find relief and recovery from their anguish.

We welcome your comments, questions and referrals.